Saturday, March 30, 2013


Gosh well I have just had a premonition. Whether this comes to pass or not is clearly unknown to me. I was told that an 8.8 quake in Southern India was going to have 66,000 people leave the Earthly plane. The Higher Soul is an amazing gift for us. Whilst I dont necessarily believe that all will come to pass, I have also had dreams where I was told by an old woman with red eyes that I was going to leave this Earth in two years time! I dont believe that one! I plan to stay here much longer, just because I have much work to do here. When we drown, have accidents and pass over, are sick, this is all to our choosing believe it or not. Our spirit selves dont care so much about how we pass over, for it holds really no significance when we looked down upon our Earthly shells of how we look, feel, etc.... We have plenty of choices as to when we want to leave, and perhaps sometimes we call these "Death dates" "Close Calls" or Near Death Experiences...
Many premonitions that I have had, indeed have ultimately come to pass. In a dream I saw that my Sister in Law was going to give birth to a boy (she did)... and that one year from then she would fall pregnant again and  have a another baby boy (she did that too)!! Always pay attention to dreams. Theyre a mixture of parallel realities, premonitions, symbology, Spiritual expression and messages for us to process from Spirit and our Higher Selves.

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